Category Archives: Meditation
The Simplest Thing EVER You Can do for Stress Relief
The Illiacus psoas muscles (psoas muscles), comonly referred to as the fight/flight/freeze muscles, are primal messengers of the central nervous system. They are emotional muscles expressing what is felt deep within the belly core – what is commonly referred to … Continue reading
Pranayama – Breathing 101
Spiral Up
When I was in middle or high school, my mother introduced me to the writing of Louise Hay. It was the first time I had been exposed to affirmations and the link between the emotional and physical world. I wasn’t sure if … Continue reading
Happiness, Self-Care, & How You Can Change The World
I teach a weekly class where one client is always negative. She complains about most everything. The class is in a residential building and other residents know this about her and try to keep their distance. When I see her, I … Continue reading