Category Archives: Uncategorized
COVID – 19 Self Care Check List
COVID-19 Self-Care Daily Checklist The first few days of quarantine were rough. I was scared and flailing. Someone on Facebook posted about how they were a teacher without anyone to whom they could teach and it was wreaking havoc on … Continue reading
Blanket Pull
Blanket Pull or how to clean your floors! :-p Are you only working with push movements? This is a great way to work some pulling action into your practice.
The Simplest Thing EVER You Can do for Stress Relief
The Illiacus psoas muscles (psoas muscles), comonly referred to as the fight/flight/freeze muscles, are primal messengers of the central nervous system. They are emotional muscles expressing what is felt deep within the belly core – what is commonly referred to … Continue reading
Windmill Arms – Help for Tight Chest & Shoulders
Release tight shoulders, develop better range of motion in your shoulder joint, open your chest, and fight “slouchasana”. Great to do when sitting in the office all day or binging on netflix! 😉 Once you feel confident with this shoulder … Continue reading
Figure 8 Arms – Shoulder Mobility
Computers, poor posture, sitting, texting, etc. all contribute to the forward daily shlump. We tend to let the shoulders go where they want and they want to do what they’re used to doing so they slump even more. Fight back against … Continue reading
Massage Therapy Ball Primer
I love my balls and I have lots of different ones. Many different sizes and even textures but which ones are for best for which body parts. And yes, we all turn in to 9 year old boys when we … Continue reading
Self-Massage for Tight Calves
I just returned from a beautiful weekend in Boone, North Carolina. If you know the area, you may know that Boone is mountain territory. I spent 3 days walking up and down mountains. My calves were TIGHT after this trip. … Continue reading
How Your Body Affects Your Happiness – TED Talk
Reach those arms up. Dance. Move. Practice Yoga. Help yourself be happy!