Tag Archives: Iyengar
A Scoliosis Workshop
A Scoliosis Workshop Unwinding the Mysteries of the Spine Using Yoga, Orth-Bionomy and Self-Massage, we will explore how to Breathe into the area of discomfort or the the area of the lungs or diaphragm that you have trouble reaching Work … Continue reading
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Tagged back pain, Balance, benefits of yoga, Challenging, Chicago, Functional, Improve well being, Iyengar, Older Yogi, Pain, Pain-free, Physical Therapist, Posture, Prana, Restorative, River North, Scoliosois, Stiffness, Types of Yoga, Yoga, Yoga Classes, Yoga Tonic. Chicago
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Why I practice Yoga…
I had a FB conversation with a guy I really admire. He’s a Chirporactor and a Yogi so he knows a little somethin’ somethin’ about bodies. We were talking about backbends and he bottom-lined it by saying that you “shouldn’t try to … Continue reading
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Tagged ana forrest, ashtanga yoga, Challenging, forrest yoga, grow, Improve well being, Iyengar, pain management, Peace, personal practice, Stiffness, stretch, stronger, Types of Yoga, Vinyasa, Yoga, Yoga Tonic, Yoga Tonic. Chicago
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Like Movies? Then You’ll Like Yoga!
I often hear people say “I can’t do yoga” or “I don’t like yoga” or even “yoga isn’t for me”. I am baffled by these comments. Yoga has been around a long time – 5,000 years by many estimates. There … Continue reading
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Tagged Anusara, Ashtanga, Bikram, Chicago, Iyengar, Kundalini, Movies, Prajna, Purna, River North, Types of Yoga, Vinyasa, Yoga Tonic, Yogi
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