Tag Archives: Challenging

Sand Shifter

I have a joke I’m fond of telling. If you want to make yogis really angry. Go to a really packed weekend workshop but only attend the Sunday session. Get there early and put your mat down in the center … Continue reading

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A Scoliosis Workshop

A Scoliosis Workshop Unwinding the Mysteries of the Spine Using Yoga, Orth-Bionomy and Self-Massage, we will explore how to Breathe into the area of discomfort or the the area of the lungs or diaphragm that you have trouble reaching Work … Continue reading

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Why I practice Yoga…

I had a FB conversation with a guy I really admire.  He’s a Chirporactor and a Yogi so he knows a little somethin’ somethin’ about bodies.  We were talking about backbends and he bottom-lined it by saying that you “shouldn’t try to … Continue reading

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Athlete’s Recovery Tonic

Athlete’s Recovery Tonic Injured? Want to take your workouts to the next level? Yoga is for you! And yes, even YOU can do yoga safely! Counter train overdeveloped muscles while strengthening underdeveloped ones Learn specific poses to rehab / prevent … Continue reading

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Partner Yoga

In any relationship, trust and communication are key. Partner Yoga utilizes both, building a stronger bond between people. Because you know your partner, you’re able to truly relax and go deeper in the poses. Partners can be significant others, friends or … Continue reading

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